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Monday, May 11, 2009

Five Scriptures That Will Help You Get through Almost Anything (The Ultimate Answer) - John Bytheway

The Ultimate Answer

You may have noticed the title of this article, “Five Scriptures That Will Help You Get through Almost Anything.”

Ultimately, it is not the scriptures that help get us through things, but the Lord Jesus Christ, of whom the scriptures testify. He is the one who will help us get through anything and everything. Because of Jesus Christ, we can remove the word “almost.” Jesus didn’t almost conquer death and hell; He conquered it. Jesus didn’t almost accomplish the infinite and eternal Atonement; He accomplished it. The language of the scriptures is absolute when it comes to power of the Savior. (See the list on the next page.)

Finally (and most important for our discussion), in the midst of our trials and adversity, He promises us the power to overcome all things with no almost: “By giving heed and doing these things which ye have received, and which ye shall hereafter receive—and the kingdom is given you of the Father, and power to overcome all things” (D&C 50:35, emphasis added).

While we may not have all the answers in this life, the Lord does, and we can trust Him more than anyone or anything in this world. He will help us get through everything.

So what do we know for sure, from sources whose answers don’t change? We know that God loves His children. We know that part of His plan is to allow evil to exist in the world. We know that if we’re still alive, we have a work to accomplish. We know that the Savior suffered not only for our sins, but also for our pains and afflictions, and we know that one day He will conquer the evil one, answer all our questions, and bless us with a fulness of joy.

The Lord Is Over All

Ultimately, it is the Lord Jesus Christ who will help us get through everything. The language of the scriptures is absolute when it comes to His power. Notice the absence of the word almost in the following verses:

  • D&C 88:6Jesus descended below all things.

  • Alma 7:11He suffered temptations of every kind.

  • Hebrews 4:15He was tempted in all points as we are, yet He is without sin.

  • D&C 58:22He subdued all enemies under His feet.

  • D&C 50:41He overcame the world.

  • John 1:3All things were made by Him.

  • D&C 50:27All things are subject unto Him.

  • 2 Nephi 9:20He knoweth all things.

  • D&C 88:41He comprehendeth all things.

  • D&C 101:16All flesh is in His hands.

  • John 14:26Through the Holy Ghost He will bring all things to our remembrance.

  • Matthew 19:26—He taught that with God all things are possible.

  • Romans 8:28Because of Him, all things that we experience will work together for our good.

John Bytheway, “Five Scriptures That Will Help You Get through Almost Anything,” New Era, Sep 2008, 26–31

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